Elegant Delivery Process
Is delivering your projects on-time and on-budget important to you? Then look no further.
When you hire Elegant Software Solutions to build your software, you can rest assured that we'll do just that. We follow industry best practices of project management. We will deliver your project on-time, and on-budget. Based on decades of experience and hundreds of successful projects, Elegant Software Solutions has created an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) process called the Elegant Delivery Process to guide your project to a successful outcome. Heavily based on IBM’s Disciplined Agile Delivery, it is an enterprise-aware, hybrid agile process that adopts a risk-driven viewpoint.
Project Phases
Inception: Discover requirements, schedule, and budget
Construction: Iterate and build
Transition: Deploy and train
Project Management
Iron Triangle
Every project has three fundamental factors. You can control two of them, and the third will always fluctuate based on your choices.​
You can never control all three. Not understanding this core principle is a leading cause of failed software development projects.
The three factors are: