Customer Engagement Model
It isn't easy to get a marriage between business and software development right. At Elegant Software Solutions, we've mastered it and know what makes the relationship work extremely well. This is how we engage you as a customer:
Alignment Team: Senior technologists, long term relationship with the business
Implementation Team: Blend of junior, mid, and senior technologists, more dynamic assignment to projects, managed by Alignment Team
Transparency: Short feedback looks, frequent communication, ongoing-collaboration, demo often

Alignment Team
As a new ESS client, a Principal Technologist is assigned to your account. Each PT is a leader at Elegant Software Solutions; they are very senior resources with at least a decade of experience or more in the industry and have performed all the roles within the realm of software development.
Your Principal Technologist is generally assigned to your account for the duration of his or her tenure with ESS. And during your relationship with them, they acquire a deep domain knowledge of your business and they become part of your strategic technical team.
When it’s time to execute projects, your Principal Technologist forms and manages them Implementation Team(s) to facilitate the work.
Implementation Team
Implementation Teams facilitate our software development projects. Each Implementation Team is led by a Principal Technologist and is comprised of an appropriate mix of Senior, Mid, Junior, and Apprentice Technologists.
Implementation Teams work on one, and only one, project at a time. Each project is unique, and your Principal Technologist will help determine the ideal makeup of your Implementation Team(s) according to the scope, budget, and schedule of the project.

Collaboration Tools
All clients have an open line of communication with ESS team members via a dedicated Slack channel. Slack includes team messaging, private messaging, voice calls, video calls, screen sharing, document sharing, and more.
We use Adobe InDesign for fast, easy, collaborative, and functional wireframing. There's no better way to elicit good requirements than to have a working prototype to play with.
All documentation is done in a dedicated Confluence space which also facilitates real-time collaboration. All documentation is versioned, backed up, and exportable.
Basic, but worth mentioning. All clients are encouraged to observe our daily stand-ups where we answer the fundamental questions of what we did yesterday, what we're doing today, and what blockers we need help with.
All clients have full access to their private GIT repositories via Azure DevOps. We'll help you setup scripts to pull the latest code on a weekly, daily, or hourly basis-- whatever works best for you!
Every two weeks, we present sprint demos showcasing potentially shippable code for our clients. This is a highly interactive session where the product owner gets to see the results of the last sprint.
Azure DevOps
All clients have full access to their project management systems via Azure DevOps. We typically work in two-week sprints and you can view the progress of your project in real-time.
Cross-Team Collaboration
One of the most significant values each of our clients and projects benefit from is our team collaboration model. While our Implementation Teams work on one project at a time, they do not work in silos. Elegant Software Solutions Technologists help each other out on a daily basis. We use cross-project collaboration tools like Slack and Confluence to discuss technical matters together, regardless of the project to which they are assigned.